


姓    名: 江国平
职务职称: 教授
工 作 室:法学楼A427
所在系所(中心): 社会学系

工作经历:2009-2016 沙特法赫德国王大学
Jiang, G.P., Bendania, A., & Aldamer, S. (2016, 三审中). Smoking Behaviour among Saudi Male University Students: an Ordinal Logit Model of the Sociological, Psychological, and Political Dimensions. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (SSCI).

Jiang, G.P., & Aldamer, S. (2016, 二审已过,修改中). A regression analysis of motivations for Saudi university male student volunteers. Voluntas (SSCI, Q1)

Jiang, G.P. (2015). A M-logistic analysis of major selection among Saudi male university students. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology (indexed by NCJRS, OCLC, and WHO), DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.

Jiang, G.P., Lo, T.W. (2015). Youth’s Views on Political Influences and the Rule of Law in China: A Moderation and Mediation Analysis. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology (SSCI listed; Impact factor: 1.014) ). DOI: 10.1177/0306624X15572803

Jiang, G.P., Lo, T.W., & Li, Carrie (2012). Youths’ views on corruption control in China: politics and social censure.  International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology (SSCI listed, Impact factor: 1.014), DOI:10.1177/0306624X12457351.

Jiang, G.P., Lo, T.W., & Garris, C. P. (2012). Formation and trend of guanxi and guanxi phenomenon. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology (indexed by NCJRS, OCLC and WHO), 1, 207-220.

Jiang, G.P., Garris, C. P., & Bendania, A. (2011). Community involvement in crime prevention and judicial process: the experience of Saudi Arabia. British Journal of Community Justice, 8(3).

江国平 (2011),社会学意义上的结构与建构。东岳论丛(中文核心期刊), 3, 90-95.

Jiang, G.P., & Garris, C. (2011). The compatibility between restorative justice and Islam: the case of Saudi Arabia. Crime and Criminal Justice International, 16, 102-110.

Lo, T. W., & Jiang, G.P. (2006). Inequality, crime and the floating population in China. Asian Journal of Criminology  (indexed by SCOPUS, EBSCO, SCImago), 1, 103-118.

著作和教材:corruption control in post-reform China: a social censure perspective (Springer ,2017)
学术兼职:International Journal of Criminology and Sociology:编辑
获奖与荣誉: 香港城市大学社会科学系杰出系友奖(2015)

江西省党风廉政建设研究中心 南昌大学廉政研究中心

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